Meet Craig, one of our owners and a man after God’s heart. Craig has been involved in construction in varying degrees since his teenage years. His experiences range from helping family members build spec homes, studying to be an architect, running many of his own businesses, burning the midnight oil to remodel his investment properties, and 5+ years as a licensed contractor. Craig lives in New London with his wife and son and spends his free time with his family enjoying the outdoors, investing in personal development, in the Word, and playing video games.
Craig is one of the most driven individuals you’ll ever have the pleasure of knowing and strives to live by and offer the fruit of the spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control) to his neighbors (all of you). He has big goals, big ideas, and a big God to back him up. As our Operations Leader, he’s happy to help bring your visions into reality.